
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Day to day problems of farmers and simple solutions of Ubqari

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020

 Not today but tomorrow this house will be ruined! In a house where a woman is not given respect, woman is oppressed and miserable, that house will be ruined if not today then tomorrow. 


Write this word, wash it in water and sprinkle it on the animal! It will be protected always.

(Sameer Aziz, Lahore)

Day to day problems of farmers and simple solutions of Ubqari


Injured milk organ of Buffalo cured with simple Trick! Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! I had kept a buffalo which I tied upon a floor which was newly constructed, one of its milk organ got injured, and when I use to take out milk, blood would mix with the milk. I use expensive tubes but to no effect. I went to an elderly person who told me to find a yellow hornet nest (in our area it is known as yellow pond, in Punjabi) find its nest meaning yellow hornet nest. I found it, heated it with one chatank of mustard oil, when it burnt out and became black, half of oil was left, I preserved it in a bottle, I applied it at night and till morning, the injury became dry (Alhaaj Tahir Ali Jawa, Lahore).


Protection from dangerous animal:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! I have certain spiritual acts for my farmer brothers, if they make them a part of their life, Insha Allah many of their problems will be resolved. Few more acts are over here  صم بکم عمی فھم لا یرجعونif one comes across a dangerous animal or enemy on his way and is scared then recite it for few times and do dum on it. Protection from harm to the animals: Al Haleemo الحلیم ,write it on a paper and after washing it in water, sprinkle it on bodies of animal and they will stay protected from every harm. This act gives excellent results on pets like cow, buffalo, goat, camel, horse and donkey as well as pet birds. Animals stay protected from every evil eye and harm.


Removing rats from the field: If rats are spoiling some crop and are trying to do harm to it, then write down this holy Ayah with ablution and put it on a mud pot and after putting the lit on it, bury it in every corner of the field. Keep this place slightly alleviated from the rest of the ground, so that people do not put their feet on it. This Ayah is وقال الذین کفروا ۔۔۔۔۔ لنھلکن الظلمین

Surah Ibrahim Ayat # 13


For ending of sickness of rani khait (field):

If pet birds meaning hen, parrot, pigeon, peacock etc. get rani khait or any such sickness then take out juice of Neem tree leaves and garlic of equal weight and after taking out its juice, make them drink this juice drops with syringe 2 drops 4 times a day, Insha Allah they will be cured 100%.


If a bone of fish gets stuck in throat, then:

If a fish bone gets stuck in throat, then put lemon juice in the throat, will get instant relief. It is tried out.


Recite it while going to a new city:

If you go to a foreign country or a new city, then eat bread from such hotel where there is lot of rush, do shopping from such shop where there is rush as local people will be having food from such hotel the rates of which are reasonable and the food is also better. Use yogurt, rice, fish as these are international foods (Choudhary Deen Muhammad Mayo, Kasur).




Farmer friends, support Ubqari

Readers! Ifyou have used any spiritual or medical act for sickness in animals or crops or you have bird or have tried it on the plants in your house or birds or pets then send us you’re tried out acts. Clearly write the name of the sickness and its medicine so that others can also recognize it easily. If hundreds and thousands benefits from your small act then this will become a perpetual Sadqa Jariah for you on the day of judgment. Do not ignore it.

Animal Cure:

After years of experiments, animal cure medicine of Ubqari is for animals and all of their sicknesses. Animal cure is very necessary to keep the animals healthy and ever fresh for people who r---- cattle (price Rs. 130/- besides postage).


My friend gave me this prescription, you also try out! Sundas Riyasat Kandyaro

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! For the first time, I snatched Ubqari from a friend of mine, brought it home, read it and really liked it, whenever I have some worry, I read Ubqari magazine, my worry goes away. Now I tell my friends about Ubqari Magazine, rather I gift it to them every month. Special edition of Ubqari of last holy Ramazan was tremendous. The friend of mine who gave me Ubqari for the first time, gifted me Mashroob e Ubqari (Ubqari syrup) also, factually it is an amazing thing. Respected Hakeem Sahib! May you always stay happy. If someone has gastric problem, I have a tried out prescription for it. It is: Drinking water before eating is a cure, drinking it in the middle is a medicine and drinking water after eating is a disease meaning sickness. Anyone who has gas in stomach, heaviness or other problems then he should make it a habit of not drinking water after having food. Only act on this holy saying for few weeks and then see that how many of your illnesses go away without any prevention or medicine.

My hair got spoiled a lot, my friend gave me a prescription, I tried it and my hair got smooth and shiny.


ھو الشافی: Put honey and olive oil in hina (Mehndi) and make paste, apply on hair after about one hour wash with some herbal shampoo or desi soap. Problems of my hair got solved with this. You can also try it out. One prescription which my friend told me about which she had tried out is that if some space is made between the hair then regularly rub it with a bar of yogurt and baison. In some time hair would come out at this void place. This is tried out.

I had a lot of heat inside, my palms and sole of feet use to burn, I started drinking mashroob e Ubqari of Ubqari medical store, my problem was solved. I have consumed three bottles still now. Now if mashroob e Uqbari is not in my house, I am not peaceful, it is an amazing thing.


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